

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Well my day has come to an end. And it is actually 12:18 a.m. Sunday offficially I guess. Long day. Once again no chance to sew. So much to do as school begins this coming week. I got up early to the sound of the house burgular alarm going off. My son decicded to wake up and take the dog out to potty before geting us to turn off the alarm. Had to feed the kids and dog and turtles breakfast. Then get ready to head to the gym for a 2 hour workout. Running, 2 sessions of strectching our exercise rountine and of course weights. and Pull ups. Oh those are a killer for sure. The true test of upper body strength. Never thought I'd ever be able to do those. Guess what I proved myself wrong quiet a while back. Shower then home to get kids showered and dressed. Off to get my son and husbands hair cut. Quicky lunch. I was good only had a small ceasar side salad at Wendys. My daugher had the same thing. She seems to be on a diet at 8 1/2...She put her self on one. Someone told her she was getting pudgy. She has lost about 5 lbs this summer. She is so proud of herself. And I am proud of her too.. Then we had to go to a couple stores to pick up glass canning jars and some grocery items. If I don't get the canning jars now . They will all be sold out before jelly makeing season arrives. I had a horriable time last year finding jars. i finally had to just quit makeing jellys and preserves due to lack of finding jars to put it in. It seems like every year I can more and more things. Then back home to cook. I also had to run to the garden and water it and pick a few things that were ready. I had to make my famous crock pot macaronie and cheese and baked a huge pear cobbler . ( pears I canned last year of course in jars.) We were going to a cook out at our neighbors house. They provided the meats for our cookouts and the rest of us provided all the sides and deserts and paper items and so fourth. The cobbler was yummy with vanilla ice cream on top. We all had a lovely time. The kids played and played as usual. They have so much frun all gettting together like that. There are 5 families that participate in our cul -de -sac gaterings. So good food, good company and good times abound. Our last cookout before school begins. Well I blew my diet tonight with cobbler and ice cream for sure and pasta in the pasta salad and 1 roll. Bad carbs for sure. I hope I don't gain 5 lbs tonight. Well that was my busy Saturday. Tomorrow will be more relaxed for sure. I ned to get back to my sewing room. And get to work. So much I want to sew and too little time to do it in. Tammy

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