

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Today and yesterday makes for a very busy weekend. we have been rearrange and swapping my daughters larger bedroom with my sewing / work out room. My sewing room was way too small. Her bedroom was much larger than what she needed . Esp since she has long ago outgrown all those little toys that were taking up space everywhere. She also outgrew her table and chairs she had for dolly's tea party. So I had the bright idea for a while now of swapping the rooms out. I cleaned and got things ready all day yesterday then today we moved everything into the new rooms and into place. I have it all done except for swapping the closets out. I will post pics soon of the newer more improved sewing room. The only draw backs to the bigger room are. Less natural lighting and I hate the color of the walls in there. It was painted her favorite. Bright peptobismal looking pink. I will miss my nice soothing salmon colored walls. Eventually I hope to be able to get my sewing room repainted. But that's quiet a ways off. I'm not ready to do that quiet yet. I have not had a chance to sew all weekend. Hope to get some sewing done this week and finish the outfit I am currently working on.

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