I am home. Supposedly all went well. I am having a lot of problems with pain. More so this time than last time. But I am sure in a few days I will feel better. I haven't had any rest during the night hardly. It is very hard t sleep sitting up . Lots of pain in my hip joints and back. Where I have arthritis at. Looking forward to a better day. My precious little great niece Chloe is the come visit me briefly today. I am sure that will put a smile on face and joy in my heart. I hope all of you have a fabulous weekend. Thank you for all the warm wishes and prayers sent my way. I treasure every single one of them. I value all of you and your friendship's and look forward to getting to know each other even more so in the coming year.
Thank you and until I am able to sew and quilt again may you all be blessed with creativity and post it all for me to read and see for inspiration.
Keep on quilting & sewing
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Update no photos today
Just to update everyone. I am going into have reconstruction surgery tomorrow. It was going to be in January as that was first available. But my doctor had a cancelation and offered it to me. I may be offline for a bit. I am unsure exactly how long or if at all. It just depends on how well I do. I am having surgery on both breasts this time. Tissue expander is being taken out and my permanent implant will be placed into the right breast that I lost to the cancer. And my left breast will be lifted and a small implant placed in it. Due to having had a couple lumpectomy's on that side already. I need to have a implant over their as well. I will look symmetrical again...I am excited to move onward. But not excited to face more surgery. I haven't posted in a while. But I am alive and well. Just extremely busy. Always so much to do. I have been doing mostly hand stitchery projects. But I have also made some table runners and mug rugs as well. I will respond to posts and emails as soon as I am able to. Thank you for following my blog. And thank you to all the well wishes and warmth I receive from so many of you.
Hugs until next time,
Hugs until next time,
Friday, October 11, 2013
A burst of creativity
Yesterday afternoon I decided to create something. I hade lost my creative mojo. And haven't been very creative lately. But I saw this free pattern for a pumpkin penny rug a few days back. It was on the All People Quilt dot com website. I downloaded the pattern and printed it off. It was laying on top of my cutting table. I saw it several times yesterday.And evertime I went in their my eyes would seek it out. So after I got my duaghter home from school. I decided I would check to see if I had any felt and if I had colors appropriate for this project. Well I had just enough black felt. So I said why not give it a try. The hardest part was cutting those teeny tiny little green circles that are layered on top of the orange ones. I think it turned out fairly well. I would have prefered a different color green for the leaves but I had to use what was in my stash. I will definitely be tempted to try and make another one of these cute felt projects .
Until next time keep on sewing and quilting
Until next time keep on sewing and quilting
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
A little stiching gift for a friend
I have been busy trying to organize all my embroidery threads. Most of which are old from when I used to smock for my daughter when she was a lot younger. I recently made a gift for my dearest freind. A Journal cover with book mark.
So I decided to make her this covered journal with book mark. She is all ways writing and doing her bible study and getting her Sunday school lessons done. And she is always on the go taking her children to all their sports and music activities. That way she can take her journal with her and allways have it handy.
Inside I made her a hand embroidered label. And their is a pocket as well. The label was hard to stich for some reason. The thread kept knotting up and breaking on me. The back is not pretty at all. Thank goodness it is sewn in place and no one can see the back. I am not happy with the stitchin since it looks as bad at is was to stitch. Front and back is just not pretty.
I used a little bit of awareness fabric in it. As this is the friend that has been helping me since before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has been with me since day 1 with this disease. She is a great lady. Driving me to all my doctor appointments and cooking meals to bring to me after my surgery. She also took my daughter back and fourth to school each day for 3 weeks.
So I decided to make her this covered journal with book mark. She is all ways writing and doing her bible study and getting her Sunday school lessons done. And she is always on the go taking her children to all their sports and music activities. That way she can take her journal with her and allways have it handy.
Inside I made her a hand embroidered label. And their is a pocket as well. The label was hard to stich for some reason. The thread kept knotting up and breaking on me. The back is not pretty at all. Thank goodness it is sewn in place and no one can see the back. I am not happy with the stitchin since it looks as bad at is was to stitch. Front and back is just not pretty.
This is the picture of the book mark I made to go with it.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
My crafty finds and Apple Picking
This past weekend my husband and I loaded up our 2 kids and one of my daughters friends. We headed to Sky Top Orchards in Flat Rock North Carolina. about 4 hours ride for us. W e left really early and arrived about 10:30..The orchard was full of folks . This is the busiest we have ever seen it. We have been going their annually since 2004. The kids had a great time..I was worn out and we couldn't stay as long and walk as much as we used to...But it was a great trip...Loved breathing in that fresh mountain air...So fresh and clean...The weather was fabulous. Clear sky's and a nice temp of 69 degrees. We picked apples, peaches and grapes.We brought back our fruit plus a huge jar mountain wild flower honey. Which is my absolute favorite . Their is so much to do at this orchard. It is mammoth in size. They have picnic areas. Concessions, hay rides, pumpkin patch, animal petting farm with sheep, chickens, peacocks, turkeys, and goats. And of course all the hiking you want to do...
Of course we had to treat ourselves to lots of orchard goodies too. We bought fresh caramel apples & cider.
My daughter took this shot of the mountains and a lake in the distance looking down the mountain side.
And another shot of the girls feeding the goats.....This young lady is a vegetarian and loves her animals. She has a ton of farm animals at her home and they are all her pets...She says...
Of course we had to treat ourselves to lots of orchard goodies too. We bought fresh caramel apples & cider.
My husband snapped this picture of me and the girls grape picking..lol....that is my daughters friend on the left then my daughter and me.
My daughter took this shot of the mountains and a lake in the distance looking down the mountain side.
This is one of my favorite shots of the girls They thought this old phone booth was just the coolest thing. What a fabulous day we had.....
A few days prior to this hubby took me to Walmart to get a few things. I discovered they had marked a bunch of school supplies down and moved to their clearance shelves . While looking through the clearance I discovered some Fiskers titanium scissors for teachers with non stick blades. They were $2.00 a pair. And came with a sheath to cover the blades. I can all ways use more scissors so I had to grab 2 pair of them.
I also found the Frixion erasable gel pens on the clearance rack also. They were marked to $2.50 a pack. These are the ones that the iron makes the ink disappear off of fabric. That work great for marking hand embroidery designs. Had to nab me a few of those as well. I have seen these same packs for as high as $7.99 before.
I would love for you to follow my blog. Their are several ways to follow along over on the right side of the blog.
Until next time Keep on Quilting and sewing
Friday, September 6, 2013
Update Post On My Health
I have received numerous emails from folks asking about my health and wondering how I am doing. Thank you to all my friends near and very very far in Blogdom. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you and reading your blogs as well. My mastectomy was on August 14th. I was in the hospital from that day which was a Wednesday until that Friday evening I was released to come home. My husband stayed with me the entire time. My older sister met us at the hospital and stayed with my husband until I came out of surgery . Then late that evening she went to my home to stay with my children. Between my 2 sisters they looked out for my kids until we returned from hospital.
My husband was off work several days with me. I had a good friend helping to cook meals and bring over and one of my sisters as well. In
addition to my husbands cooking and getting take out. I have been quiet sore and in lots of pain. The first muscle relaxers weren't effective. And a week later I finally got ones that actually worked. The pain meds work as long as I take them around the clock. Literally setting my alarm for every few hours to get up and take them. This week I am feeling quiet a bit better. But their are still lots of things I can not or should not do.
A couple days after my surgery by that did the mastectomy called me to let me know the lymph nodes he removed were all free of cancer. And that all my margins on the breast tissue were cancer free this time. That he had gotten it all this go round. So awesome news....Yipppeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had my 3rd check up with my plastic surgeon as of yesterday. I had drain lines left in from the reconstruction process of the surgery. He removed one the first week after surgery and finally removed the last drain at yesterdays appointment.
The plastic surgeon placed a tissue expander in the chest to start reconstruction as soon as my other surgeon had removed the breast on the day of the mastectomy. At last weeks visit they were able to get 50 cc's of saline into the tissue expander. At yesterdays appointment more saline was placed in it. Their was 70 cc's added on yesterday.
Because I am very small chested and very petite I have the smaller version of tissue expander in me. Which means It should hopefully require less fills to get my skin stretched out enough to create a breast. Once the correct amount of skin is their and the tissue expander has been in long enough. Then more surgery will be scheduled to remove the expander and place my implant in their and as I put it create a boob...Hey I gotta stay light hearted and attempt to find humor where I can. The seriousness of this diagnosis can really get you down if you aren't careful.
I am not looking forward to more procedures. As each time they place the saline in is very painful to me...and it makes me start to hurt all over again. Sleeping is difficult as I can no longer sleep in my normal position. I feel like I am in a sea of pillows all around me. But overall I am doing very well. The plastic surgeon says I am healing very well and am ahead of schedule. So things are looking up.... No sewing & no crafting is happening around here these days and I am several days behind on reading blogs. And I am going into withdrawal over both of them.
Until next time keep on sewing & quilting
My husband was off work several days with me. I had a good friend helping to cook meals and bring over and one of my sisters as well. In
addition to my husbands cooking and getting take out. I have been quiet sore and in lots of pain. The first muscle relaxers weren't effective. And a week later I finally got ones that actually worked. The pain meds work as long as I take them around the clock. Literally setting my alarm for every few hours to get up and take them. This week I am feeling quiet a bit better. But their are still lots of things I can not or should not do.
A couple days after my surgery by that did the mastectomy called me to let me know the lymph nodes he removed were all free of cancer. And that all my margins on the breast tissue were cancer free this time. That he had gotten it all this go round. So awesome news....Yipppeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had my 3rd check up with my plastic surgeon as of yesterday. I had drain lines left in from the reconstruction process of the surgery. He removed one the first week after surgery and finally removed the last drain at yesterdays appointment.
The plastic surgeon placed a tissue expander in the chest to start reconstruction as soon as my other surgeon had removed the breast on the day of the mastectomy. At last weeks visit they were able to get 50 cc's of saline into the tissue expander. At yesterdays appointment more saline was placed in it. Their was 70 cc's added on yesterday.
Because I am very small chested and very petite I have the smaller version of tissue expander in me. Which means It should hopefully require less fills to get my skin stretched out enough to create a breast. Once the correct amount of skin is their and the tissue expander has been in long enough. Then more surgery will be scheduled to remove the expander and place my implant in their and as I put it create a boob...Hey I gotta stay light hearted and attempt to find humor where I can. The seriousness of this diagnosis can really get you down if you aren't careful.
I am not looking forward to more procedures. As each time they place the saline in is very painful to me...and it makes me start to hurt all over again. Sleeping is difficult as I can no longer sleep in my normal position. I feel like I am in a sea of pillows all around me. But overall I am doing very well. The plastic surgeon says I am healing very well and am ahead of schedule. So things are looking up.... No sewing & no crafting is happening around here these days and I am several days behind on reading blogs. And I am going into withdrawal over both of them.
Until next time keep on sewing & quilting
Todays post
Contained a nice package all the way from Austrailia.
Inside was a the needles she uses for her hand embroidery. They type of pen she uses to trace her designs with. And a beautiful piece of aqua toned fabric. White hanky linen. And a product I was most anxious to get my hands on . Something called Weaveline to fuse behind your traced design before you embroider it. I have never seen this product and have been wanting to see some to know what it is she uses. So boy was I lucky I won this. Also was two gorgeous thread packs it is a brand called Cosmo Seasons threads. I have never heard of this brand before. But I do believe they seem to have lots more and better stitchery products in Australia than here in USA where I live. Then again maybe I live under a rock and have lots to learn yet. She also included a gorgeous paper pattern for her stitchery design called Colour Your Heart. It is gorgeous. And she had it all wrapped up so pretty. And sent the most gorgeous little miniature card I have ever laid eyes on. Just a beautiful gift to receive today. Thank you Jenny. I love every single item and will use it all I promise you. So I took some pictures of my beautiful wins in the kit. My pictures are never as pretty as anyone else's seem to be but here goes.
I won a couple weeks back a lovely package of products that Jenny of Elefantz blog uses to do her beautiful embroidery with here is the link to her blog to the giveaway I won. I have included the picture of the giveaway from Jennys site. This is her picture below here not mine. http://www.elefantz.com/2013/08/a-free-design-and-starter-kit-giveaway.html

Do u see my beautiful little card that had a lovely message from Jenny un it to me. The butterfly has a 3 D effect raised up off the card a bit. So cute.
wrapped u so prettily...look at that lovely blue ribbon. It makes you want to see what is waiting insude doesn't it.
And she had put in in wonderful protective plastic liner to keep it nice and safe while in enroute. Thank you so much. for this extra step. Oh so now I get to open it up and and unstack those goodies....
Such pretty and useful stitchin goodies. I notice the needels she uses are much finer than mine. No wonder her stitchin allways looks so pretty and feminine and mine is so clunky looking. . The floss is so shiny and pretty and it feels like a lot finer in quality than the DMC stuff I buy to use.
Now I have heard only a couple times fo these pens before. It is called Zig. I need to look for this. The tip is like super fine. I can definitely see why she uses this to trace her designs with now.
And last is a picture of the fabrics and the weaveline she irons on to the backs of her embroideries. It looks just like a large open weave fabric. Very light and airy...I am definitely gonna look for some of this stuff.
That hanky linen is gorgeous. And look at that beautiful aqua blue print fabric. Is that just not the prettiest shade you have ever seen.. All of it is gorgeous and wonderful and very useful things to me. Jenny thank you so much again. If you haven't been over to Jennys blog please go visit her. She is so filled with talent. And has the most beautiful stitchery patterns. She sells them on Craftsy also and has some gorgeous free ones their as well.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
2 Blogaversarys to mention
Both of these blogs are very new to me. And both of them are celebrating their Blogaversarys and have giveaways also in conjunction with their celebrations.
The first blog is Lucy over at Charm About You. Here is the link to her site.http://www.charmaboutyou.com/
Please pop over and tell her hello. She is celebrateing her 2nd year Blogaversary.
The other new to me blog that is Celebarteing. her 1st year Blogaversary is Jusmom 1 who blogs at Ugga Bear Cottage. http://uggabearcottage.blogspot.com/
Please go visit her as well and she also is sponsoring a lovely giveaway as part of her Blogaversary celebration.
Keep on sewing & quilting until next time
The first blog is Lucy over at Charm About You. Here is the link to her site.http://www.charmaboutyou.com/
Please pop over and tell her hello. She is celebrateing her 2nd year Blogaversary.
The other new to me blog that is Celebarteing. her 1st year Blogaversary is Jusmom 1 who blogs at Ugga Bear Cottage. http://uggabearcottage.blogspot.com/
Please go visit her as well and she also is sponsoring a lovely giveaway as part of her Blogaversary celebration.
Keep on sewing & quilting until next time
Thursday, August 22, 2013
August 22, 1993 the first day of my journey into Motherhood
20 years ago today I welcomed my son into the world with open arms. My big guy is 20 it is so hard to believe. Some of you may know my son is a special needs child. He has a slew of health and mental health issues. But to me he is perfect. A wonderful loving child. One I prayed for for a long time and one that God gave to me to have as my very own. To raise and to love and to care for. So today we celebrated his birthday. Things are all ways a l little low key for our celebrations as he is Autistic and doesn't like noise and crowds and all kinds of other things. But what a fabulous day for our family and him. Due to all of my medical issues we will will take him this weekend to pick out his gifts. Today was all about the cake......And boy was it yummy. I also had anothr fabulous surprise this afternoon. The florist delivered flowers to me from my friend Barb from California. He husband is a tv producer and I miss her and her family so much. We used to be neighbors for about 8 years. What a gal. One of the best. And what a big surprise to get her flowers. Love ya girl and the flowers are gorgeous.
Keep on Stitchin & quiliting till we meet again,
Keep on Stitchin & quiliting till we meet again,
Mail Call & Update
Update first. Had to go see the plastic surgeon this morning. He did remove one of the drains out of me today. I have one more left in place. I have to return to see him on next week in hopes of that drain being removed as well. Then to evaluate to see if he is ready to start slowly inflating the tissue expander. And new meds. Thank goodness I hope these will work . The muscle spasms are no fun and are very painful for me.
So when we get home I have a total surprise...yes mail call....Nothing ordered nothing I'm waiting for just a lovely surprise. My friend Rhonda over at http://ravelly1-quiltzblog.blogspot.com/ had sent me a lovely surprise. Oh my goodness. She is a very generous spoiler this one. Love her dearly. She is so talented. If you have never been to her blog please go leave her some love and follow her blog. She does the most amazing applique projects. Each project just amazes me more and more and they are all so totally life like. So to reveal her beautiful gift to me wich came with a beautiful note. I also got a lovely and beautiful get well card from my Aunt today as well. Without further ado here is a picture of Rhonda's gorgeous gift.
So when we get home I have a total surprise...yes mail call....Nothing ordered nothing I'm waiting for just a lovely surprise. My friend Rhonda over at http://ravelly1-quiltzblog.blogspot.com/ had sent me a lovely surprise. Oh my goodness. She is a very generous spoiler this one. Love her dearly. She is so talented. If you have never been to her blog please go leave her some love and follow her blog. She does the most amazing applique projects. Each project just amazes me more and more and they are all so totally life like. So to reveal her beautiful gift to me wich came with a beautiful note. I also got a lovely and beautiful get well card from my Aunt today as well. Without further ado here is a picture of Rhonda's gorgeous gift.
Absolutely stunning small quilted wall hanging. Oh I can not wait to display it this holiday season. Thank you my friend. I love it.
Keep on stitchin & quilting until next time.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Old Passions Are Being Rekindeled
Well as you all know a while back I joined up to do Jenny at Elefantz new BOM Shabby Roses Home . You can check it out here if you aren't familiar with it, http://www.elefantz.com/p/free-2013-bom.html
Well might I add my old passions for hand embroidery or hand stitchin as some folks call it have been rekindled. I am having a blast. I organized one of my embroidery thread boxes. Then a few days before my surgery Hubby and I made a trip to the city to Joann's Fabric store. I needed to by some iron on stabilizer to back my embroidery pieces. I also needed to purchase some new needles and some more threads. Unfortunately I bought the wrong size needles. They are too large more for tapestry or cross stitch. But that is OK they will get used at some point, As luck had it all the normal DMC floss was on sale for 28 cents a piece. I obught this multi pack of floss because the colors are all varigated. And I thought they would look very lovely in projects.
Well might I add my old passions for hand embroidery or hand stitchin as some folks call it have been rekindled. I am having a blast. I organized one of my embroidery thread boxes. Then a few days before my surgery Hubby and I made a trip to the city to Joann's Fabric store. I needed to by some iron on stabilizer to back my embroidery pieces. I also needed to purchase some new needles and some more threads. Unfortunately I bought the wrong size needles. They are too large more for tapestry or cross stitch. But that is OK they will get used at some point, As luck had it all the normal DMC floss was on sale for 28 cents a piece. I obught this multi pack of floss because the colors are all varigated. And I thought they would look very lovely in projects.
I had never bought these ball type yarn flosses before. but they were on clearance for 75 cents a piece if they are too big for me to use for embroidery I will give them to my older sister who is learning to crochet and I know she uses this type thread as trim on baby blankets .
A few days later I went to a store called Big Lots. They are a discount store and I go a few times a year to stock up on things that I can get much cheaper their. As We are all ways on a budget and I needed to stock up on stuff before my surgery. Well guess what I found fabric....yes the first time I had ever seen any their. I have no clue as to the quality of it. But being as I am not a fabric snob at all I thought it was a fabulous deal. . I want to make something for special family member out of it. One who all ways seems to help me out no matter what I can always depend upon her day or night.
And I finally found these frixion pens I have been looking for. I found them at Target while back to school shopping for my daughter. Yea.....score for me
and fianlly my baby sister has brought me 2 quilting magazines the past couple days when she has come to visit me since my surgery. She is the best. I would be so lost without her. My very own perssonal nurse. She is the most loveing person. She is a Geriatric's nurse in a nurseing home. She bought me one of these cause thier is a owl on the cover she said. She knows how I love owls.
I don't get to do much shopping or buying things for my hobbies these days. So I feel like I have won the lottery here lately. So enjoying all my new cool crafty items. I just had to show off all my sweet new items.....
Until next time keep on stitchin and quilting
and please follow my blog you will find all the appropriate buttons to the right .
Update And A Great Big Thank You
Against my sisters better judgment I have decided to post anyway. She seems to think it is a bad idea for me to post while on medication. She says who knows what I am liable to say on here. So to try and keep it safe just a quick update. I had my surgeries on Wednesday August 14th. I was then released from the hospital on the evening of August 16th. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband who was by my side the entire time. My family are all trying to help out. Thank goodness for my very good friend Jean who is helping to get my daughter to and from school for me each day. And thank goodness for the meals she and my sister have been providing for us. I am still in quiet a bit of pain and on medications. I have 2 drains still attached to my surgical site. That I have to empty several times daily. Overall I think I am dealing with things the way I need to be. My surgeon called me late Monday evening to let me know that the lymph nodes he removed were clear no cancer cells at all and that all my surgical margins are clear as well. That he got all the cancer out this time. Thank goodness. I go to see my plastic surgeon on tomorrow. So he can start working on inflating that tissue expander. Ladies if you know anyone battling this disease. Be a friend. No matter how small of a thing you can do for them please do it...Just a cooked meal or a card to cheer them or a quick call to let them know you are thinking and praying for them all does wonders. It is so hard for me me to bend and stoop and pick things up. And the muscle spasms are the worse. They wake me up at night.... Any way this is my little update on me. I thank you to those of you who have send me emails asking about me. Thank you so much. It is so nice to know that no matter how far apart we live in Blogdom that someone cares enough to check up on me. It brings a smile to my face.
I also want to say a great big thank you to Anne of Bunny Hill Designs. She blogs over at http://bunnyhillblog.com/. if you have never been by to visit her . Please stop by and leave her some love. Recently she had a book giveaway on her blog. And it is a book I have been drooling over for a while. Should I say drooling and dreaming of owning..
I also want to say a great big thank you to Anne of Bunny Hill Designs. She blogs over at http://bunnyhillblog.com/. if you have never been by to visit her . Please stop by and leave her some love. Recently she had a book giveaway on her blog. And it is a book I have been drooling over for a while. Should I say drooling and dreaming of owning..
And low and behold I actually won the book. She actually gave away two of these. I was so lucky. When I got in from the hospital and got settled in bed my daughter said Momma I have a happy surprise for you look what came in the mail. and she gave me Anne's lovely package. Anne sent me a beautiful card and a Moda Jubilee mini charm pack as well. All I can say is wow....Thank you so very much Anne. You made my week.... What lovely treats.
Thank you Anne for everything....
Until my next post keep on stitchin and quiltin
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Important Update no pictures today.
Wanting to let everyone know that I will be away from blogging for a little while. I hope to be able to return as soon as possible. Tomorrow August 14th is my surgery. I will be going in to have my mastectomy for breast cancer. I am also gonna start the breast reconstruction process immediately following the mastectomy. I will not be able to do much for a while. This will be a long drawn out process to get from ground zero to building a boob. The only thing I have going for me is the fact that I am not over endowed up top.... The plastic surgeon told me depending on how it goes I have a 20 % chance of waking up with a implant in place and a 80% chance of waking up with a tissue expander in place . The tissue expander's are gradually inflated each week . Which in turn stretches the skin slowly. So it gives you more tissue to work with. And once their is enough skin then they remove the tissue expander and place your implant.
Wish me luck everyone. I do believe I will be needing lots of luck on this endeavor. And lots of prayer also. This is definitely the last thing I ever thought I would be doing at 43.
Their are all kinds of fancy flap procedures one can have for reconstruction. But I opt not to do those as they involve a lot more healing time. Are a lot more painful and create multiple surgical sites on your body. I need to be able to heal as fast as possible and get my strength back quickly. So I can take care of my 13 year old daughter and my 19 year old special needs son. My daughters first day of school is this coming Monday.
Keep on quilting and sewing
Wish me luck everyone. I do believe I will be needing lots of luck on this endeavor. And lots of prayer also. This is definitely the last thing I ever thought I would be doing at 43.
Their are all kinds of fancy flap procedures one can have for reconstruction. But I opt not to do those as they involve a lot more healing time. Are a lot more painful and create multiple surgical sites on your body. I need to be able to heal as fast as possible and get my strength back quickly. So I can take care of my 13 year old daughter and my 19 year old special needs son. My daughters first day of school is this coming Monday.
Keep on quilting and sewing
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
My First Time & The 1st Part Is Finished

I must admit my hand stitchery or embroidery skills are very very rusty. The last hand stitchery I did was for my daughters little smocked outfits. Which you can see some of those here on the blog in the earliest posts. So it has been several years now... Let's see how many years hmmmm......de ....dum....ummmm since 2008 or 2009 ....Quiet a long while.
So I have been following Jenny's blog http://www.elefantz.com/ now for some time. I am all ways delighted to see her projects. Well when I saw this project I just new I had to do it. So I jumped right in and decided to this BOM. It is my very first BOM ever... My very first project badge to go up on my blog as well. So here goes some photos of said project.
Step one for me was to audition my fabrics. I decided to use the unbleached muslin for the background fabric of the embroideries them self. I chose a few older pieces I had. For the alphabets I decided on a tiny blue floral print. And for the chimney was a dark brown. I also chose a small green floral. What it will go on I am unsure but the color ties in with the lovely fat quarter pack I chose to use. The fat quarter pack is a recent purchase. It is Home Spun Chic by MeLody Ross for Blend fabrics. I found it at the Tuesday Morning store for $7.99 which obviously was a great deal as it had a regular price tag on it for $19.99
So I got to work The first Block is actually 2 smaller blocks combined. So here is the first part which is the alphabets. You use applique and embroidery and machine piecing for this project.
Sorry this picture isn't very good. Their was too much light coming in I believe. So this is the first half of the block. I messed up on the letter a it is slightly tilted. And I had a hard time centering everything as well....Then I moved on to the next block which is the house part.
I was close to completion. but still had more flowers and greenery to do int he lower right corner as well as try and figure out the stitch for the path to the door. Well I bombed on that stitch. I just couldn't get it. I kept having to pick it out. Then I said to heck with that I would do what I could do and it would just look how ever it turned out. Patience is not something I possess. Here is a close up of the completed house.
And finally is my finished block. I have a lot to learn and improve upon. I just hope my next block will be a lot neater and prettier.
If you aren't all ready a blog follower. Please consider following. You will find links to the right of this post on the side bar.
Until next time keep on sewing & quilting.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Happy Mail
A few days back I found out that I had won 2 charm square packs of world tour by Parson Gray. I had been entered into Sharon's giveaway over on her blog. http://fabricsandflowers.blogspot.com/ I love to visit Sharon she has a wonderful blog. She was hosting the giveaway in honor of her 1 year Blogaversary. If you haven't been over to Sharon's blog yet. Please go over to visit her. So here is my lovely winnings from Sharon.....
Thank you so much Sharon. I know beautiful aren't they...For some reason these just scream fall time to me...Hmmm I am thinking perhaps a table runner? So what project do u think you would use them in. Here is a close up of the 12 pieces the packs contain a piece.
Thank you so much Sharon. I know beautiful aren't they...For some reason these just scream fall time to me...Hmmm I am thinking perhaps a table runner? So what project do u think you would use them in. Here is a close up of the 12 pieces the packs contain a piece.
Keep on sewing & quilting until next time.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
My Sewing Room
Ok guess I messed something up this was schedueled to be posted last week. Which oviously never happend. the cutting table is now cleaner as I took the foldable pining board off of it since I was through sewing the baby stuff and no longer needed it up their .My sewing room is a mess and stays a mess. Sorry folks it is the one room in my house that is a total disaster. Other wise my home is very neat and all ways in place. I have never been able to achieve this in the sewing area though. I just have too much stuff. And yes I need it all. Even when clean it is still a disaster. My sewing room is upstairs in the huge bonus room... It is a dual purpose room. Part sewing room and Part work out room. I am gonna try and post a few pictures. It is a large room and I have kinda got it divided into areas.
My machine embroidery area. I used to do a lot of embroidery when both my kids were in school during the day. I ran a at home monogramming business. All that was before we moved here . Life was so much simpler then.
My machine embroidery area. I used to do a lot of embroidery when both my kids were in school during the day. I ran a at home monogramming business. All that was before we moved here . Life was so much simpler then.
To the left of my embroidery machine is my embroidery supplies and my books and patterns area
OK on the wall getting to this area is where my paper crafting area is. I also have my sewing machine accessories in these drawers
Now to the right of this area is where my sewing and sergeing are done.
Now to the right of the sewing machine is my cutting table and prep area.
Now to the right of this area is where my daughter does her art work at. Painting and drawing. This is hat she was working on last weekend. it is supposed to be an Egyptian lady.
To the right of this is the television . So we can watch while we are working out. All the workout equipment is on the wall to the left .
When you come into the sewing room to the right is where my mannequin is. $10.00 off of Craigs list. I currently have her decorated with a huge flower bouquet a little girl gave my daughter. I didn't know where else to put it. So for now it lives on the mannequin.
And that folks is my sewing room or studio which ever you prefer to call it. Purely functional. No decorating to it...Maybe one day I will get it all repainted as I do not like the color of it and maybe one day I will get some new curtains or toppers hung. But for now it works as is. I hope you all liked the tour of my sewing room. I always love to see where people create. Of course mine is not near colorful or exciteing as a lot of them I see online.
Until next time keep on sewing & and quilting
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